Varicose Vein Symptoms and Treatment

Varicose veins may be associated with aching, fatigue, or heat that is relieved by elevating the leg or by wearing compression hosiery. Symptoms do not necessarily relate to the size or degree of varicosities; severe leg involvement may be asymptomatic, whereas small varicosities may be painful. Symptoms tend to worsen during menstruation.

Initially, varicosed superficial veins may be tense and palpable but not necessarily visible. They may later enlarge and protrude and become visibly obvious to the patient. (THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 16, Ch. 212, Peripheral Vascular Disorders)

“Veins are fairly frail structures. Defects in the wall of a vein lead to dilation of the vein and damage to the valves. When the valves become damaged, the increased static pressure results in the bulging veins known as varicose veins.” (Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., 1991).


Capillary problems manifest themselves as a series of symptoms resulting from poor circulation in the legs. This complex of symptoms is classified as varicose veins….we find that people complain about these functional problems such as: pain, swelling, itching, restlessness and cramps which, in many cases, also can cause insomnia. All these functional problems, as we shall see, are favorably influenced by OPC.

Venous insufficiency (varicose veins) was tested (1985) on ninety-two patients who were administered 300mg of OPC per day. Also here it concerned functional disorders such as “heavy legs,” “itching,” “nighttime cramps,” and edema. After using OPC for four weeks, the treatment appeared to be successful for 75% of the patients.


“OPC’s main claim to fame is it’s unique ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels weakened by age and disease. OPC thus reverses the fragility of blood vessels, making them more intact and supple so blood flows through easily and doesn’t leak out as seen in varicose veins. OPC accomplishes this by actually creating tougher, thicker, more tightly knit blood vessel walls that are less likely to stretch, leak, or burst. As Dr. Masquelier explains, two proteins in the vessel wall, collagen and elastin, greatly determine the elasticity and permeability of the vascular wall, whether the wall is solid, strong, and flexible, or fragile and leaky. OPC attaches to these two building block proteins, preventing their degradation by destructive enzymes and encouraging their synthesis and maturation. In short, OPC reinforces the structure of the connective tissue that makes blood vessels strong and resistant.” (Miracle Cures, by Jean Carper)

That’s why OPC is, you could say, the vitamin of the vascular wall. ” (OPC in Practice, by Bert Schwitters in Collaboration with Prof. Jack Masquelier)

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